Are you Eligible?


The COWOI Foundation has three levels of Individual Membership, paid annually;:

  • Emerging Leader – for women re-entering the workforce or at the beginning of their careers who have been nominated by an Active Member and have demonstrated qualities of leadership – $125

  • Active Member – for women who have been nominated by another Active Member. These women are well-established in their careers, ready to be in the spotlight and take an active leadership role – $275

  • Emerita – for women who have retired or are phasing down their careers – $125

We also offer Sponsorship Opportunities and Corporate Leadership Programs. Plus, we have special pricing for Non-Profit Membership. Please contact ANN CLARKE for more information or to receive an Application for Membership.


Are You Eligible?

A candidate for Membership must be nominated by an Active Member in Good Standing. In addition, eligibility is determined by meeting one or more of the following Criteria for Membership:

I. A business owner with an established shop, building or other physical presence, open to the public, who exercises the power to make policy decisions and is actively involved in the day-to-day management of the firm.

II. A sole proprietor, consumer-direct or direct-sales business owner who has achieved executive status and is recognized as a top producer (top 5% nationally) & leader in her company because of exceptional sales and leadership responsibilities, whose agenda is to build a sustainable, relationship-driven business.

III. A corporate executive who is the senior operating manager (“C” level, President or VP) or chief decision maker for her company or non-profit organization, or a former chief decision maker.

IV. An entrepreneur qualifies for Membership if she is running the company-day-to-day, she founded the company and /or her current ownership interest provides active control over the company.

V. An educator, associated with a higher learning institution.

VI. Elected officials and women in the government and the political arena.

VII. Performing artists & musicians, professional speakers, published authors who use their talents to entertain and educate others.

VIII. Professional athletes and women recognized for their accomplishments in sports.

IX. A “leader in the community” who has demonstrated the following leadership qualities:

  • Recognized as a leader in her industry.
  • Length of time in current position, past positions, and historical track record.
  • Outside activities, accomplishments, memberships and interests (past and present).
  • Age of the business and its preeminence.
  • Personal and professional integrity.

Additional Considerations

The Advisory Council may approve additional factors for consideration on a case-by-case basis.

If the candidate meets the guidelines and there are no objections to her membership from the Advisory Board, the nominee will be invited to attend an event. If she wishes to join, she will submit her Membership
Application and her payment for processing.

Our Wonderful Sponsors

Julie Piepho, CMB
Kathy Kinchen, Ph.D.
Debbie Davis

The Exclusive Banking Partner of COWOI!
Janell Osborn
White Space Graphics LLC