COWOI Advice for our Intern on her 18th Birthday

COWOI Advice for our Intern on her 18th Birthday

by Ann Clarke

  1. Follow your passion, follow your heart.
  2. Don’t procrastinate.
  3. Don’t give up on your dream. Surround yourself with people who will support you.
  4. Take advantage of the COWOI ladies. They have experience & wisdom to share.
  5. Listen to YOUR instincts.
  6. Follow your heart. Don’t be afraid to try something you’ve never done.
  7. Stay true to who you are. Let your friends be there for you in hard times.
  8. Forget “conventional” thinking. Some of it’s not worth squat.
  9. Dream BIG. Don’t let yourself be an obstacle to your greatness.
  10. Take a public speaking class. It will give you self confidence and you will be able to hold your own in a room, especially a room full of men.
  11. Create a circle of advisors & friends. You can’t “see” or “do” it all yourself.
  12. Have many friends with many interests. Don’t be afraid to let friends go as you change. It’s OK.
  13. “Show up to go up.”
  14. Don’t be afraid to make a mistake. Just fix anything needing fixing and move on.
  15. Remember that YOU are a VIP.
  16. You are not going to be doing the same thing all your life. Open yourself to various career options.
  17. Be picky when you pick your mate.
  18. Be true to the face in the mirror. Can you be proud of who is looking back?
  19. Be patient. Follow your intuition but keep your eyes opened.
  20. All you have to do is ASK. Follow your passion but keep your eyes on the dream.
  21. Today is the first day of the rest of your life! Do something every day to help your dreams become a reality.

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